Serving Nassau and Suffolk County, Manhattan, the Tri-State area ...and the United States
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People Answering People - Every Hour Every Day

After Hours Answering Service

Long Island After Hours Answering Service

An after hours call answering service can help you fill the gaps with your client support schedule and provides reliable message taking for incoming calls. Many offices employ a dedicated front office staff that answers phone calls during normal business hours. But what happens when everyone leaves for the day? Do you have a proper course of action to handle these calls? Or are they simply dumped into a voicemail to be handled at a later date?

Today’s customer expects better. And there is often an expectation of 24-hour availability. I know, that may seem like a tall order, but with our call center help you can satisfy those demands. With an after hours phone answering service for your office, you’ll be going above and beyond for your clients in regards to message taking and handling. When your staff goes home, we clock in! Build a better business with our call handling and a professional support staff to aid with night calls. Get the very best working for your when you turn to All Island Call Center and all the benefits this service provides customers. Proud to work with local businesses on Long Island, as well as businesses across the USA!

Who Needs an After Hours Answering Service?

Delivering the same level of customer support after your working hours can be a challenge. There are many professions who require a reliable answering service after working hours, because they take in calls at all times of the day. Here are some areas our telephone answering service can help with:

Medical Reception

Many doctor and clinic clients need dependable message taking once the office is closed. Our after hours phone answering service is here to help supplement the in-office staff. We can handle setting appointments and provide reliable message taking. Ensuring that the patients requiring more immediate attention get it.

Legal Reception

Lawyers are constantly in and out of court or client meetings, so they need an answering service that keeps them connected after normal working hours. All without interrupting the day’s work flow. A legal office with an after hours reception means the office is never really closed. So there is no missing out on potential new clients or possibly leaving any current clients feeling abandoned. Stay on top of all legal issues with our dependable after hours phone answering service!


When it comes to buying and selling, it is a 24/7 world. So don’t disappoint your customers who want to place an order over the phone after your work hours are through. Proper telephone customer service helps reduce shopping cart abandonment. A satisfactory answering service can help push a sale through when a potential buyer gets stuck. Don’t lose any sales and hire us for a reliable answering service after working hours! You will find you are more productive and your sales numbers will improve!


Our after hours answering service means you will come to work in the morning with no calls waiting. All potential appointments have already been made, so there is no lost time listening to messages. Your callers can easily book an appointment over the phone at all hours of the day, whether you’re open for business or not. Which leads to a happier client, since waiting for a call back can be frustrating. Keep your callers happy by choosing us as your message taking service.

Learn More About After Hours Answering Service

For more information about our call center services, please reach out to us today. We will happily answer any questions or concerns you may have about our call center services. When you get in touch with us, we can discuss what you need and how we can help. Though located in New York, our after hours answering service is available for businesses and companies around the USA. So please, do not hesitate to reach out and learn more about all that we offer. Our professional answering services can ensure that you keep up with your customer base in a prompt and accurate manner. Not leaving any calls behind trying to play catch up.

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