Serving Nassau and Suffolk County, Manhattan, the Tri-State area ...and the United States
All Island Call Center logo US Veteran-owned business

People Answering People - Every Hour Every Day


Customer Service Telephone Agents


(Call Center Telephone Agents)

Weekends, Afternoons and Evenings at our Riverhead Office

Thank you for inquiring about employment with our company. Due to our expanding business and increasing volume of phone calls, we have openings for all shifts.

All agent receptionists are required to work saturdays and/or sundays depending on scheduling.

We are a 24/7 call center that answers and processes phone calls for clients and dispatches their messages using a computer.

We are not telemarketers nor do we solicit sales. Everything is computerized and user friendly. Training is provided but applicants must be computer proficient.

Benefits include: earned time off and holiday pay

This is a friendly family oriented workplace but after training work would be at your home..

This is a responsible position that requires people who enjoy speaking with other people, a friendly and clear speaking voice, correctly spelling names, and complying with clients instructions. You are representing our clients.

Our Riverhead training center is modern, totally secure with interior and exterior surveillance cameras, monitors,
Environmentally controlled work area, and completely smoke free. Smoke breaks are not provided.

Resumes are required. Please e-mail it to and

Our web site at describes the services that we provide.

We would like you to view a specially prepared 12 minute video that shows you what we do and how we do it. You will see and hear an operator speaking with a caller and also how she enters the data into our operating system. Simply view the video on this page or click 'watch video' as seen below.

Watch video

After viewing the video, and if you have continued interest in being employed by us as a customer service receptionist and telephone agent, please send another email with confirming that you have viewed the video and that you are requesting an interview.

Email to: and

Thank you for your continued interest in applying for a position with our company.

If you are selected, we will contact you to schedule an interview. During the interview, plan to stay about two hours . You must bring your drivers license and social security card.

Thank you!

Relay Communications Center
145 Griffing Avenue
Post Office Box 596
Riverhead, New York 11901


hello world!